About probiotics
«Probiotics are good bacteria that promote healthy digestion. They help fight harmful bacteria, aid in the absorption of nutrients, are responsible for normal digestion, promote strong intestinal activity, reduce the threat of infection and inflammation, enhance the response of the immune system, and optimize mood.»
Frank Lipman

What is dysbiosis?
When the body is affected by negative external factors - antibiotics, a polluted atmosphere, preservatives in food, stress and others, the normal microflora is out of balance, its composition and functions are disrupted, which significantly reduces immunity and leads to an imbalance in the body.
«All diseases start in the gut», — said Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine.
What are probiotics for?
- For the normalization of microflora (including during and after antibacterial, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy);
- In the complex therapy of intestinal infections;
- In the complex treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, Crohn's disease) and liver;
- For the development of microflora in children of the first year of life, prevention and treatment of atopic dermatitis, rickets, iron deficiency anemia, normalization of intestinal function, adaptation of the child to preschool and school, etc .;
- When preparing pregnant women for childbirth to restore the vaginal flora, improve bowel function, to prevent the manifestation of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, with the likelihood of abdominal delivery, etc.;
- In gynecology in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases, bacterial vaginosis, infertility;
- In the treatment of allergic reactions and diseases;
- In the complex therapy of immunodeficiencies, to increase the body's resistance to respiratory infections;
- With dysbiosis.
What is important to consider when choosing a probiotic?
- The titer of beneficial bacteria in probiotics
- Release form
- Composition of bacteria in the preparation
- Are strains allowed for children
- Registration form
- Manufacturer name
- Full information on the label
Your doubts — our answers
«Probiotics do not stay in the body forever»
Taking probiotics allows you to restore the imbalance of microflora - the drug helps to populate the intestines with beneficial microorganisms. Probiotics can drive out harmful bacteria and are then naturally excreted from the body. Therefore, they need to be drunk regularly.
«Probiotics quickly deteriorate and lose their usefulness»
Probiotics are living organisms, they do not tolerate high temperatures, contact with air and long storage. Be sure to read the instructions. If the manufacturer advises keeping the drug in the refrigerator, do so. Remember the shelf life: even if the drug contains billions of beneficial bacteria, over time they die and become completely useless.
«Gastric juice is destructive»
Some strains do not survive in the body due to the high acidity of the stomach. These bacterial cultures are produced in capsules - they allow the probiotic to reach the intestines. But there are strains that are resistant to the effects of bile and gastric juice - the form of administration does not affect their beneficial effects on the body.
«There is no universal probiotic»
Undoubtedly! Therefore, scientists move from a mass approach to an individual one and study what microbes each person needs for effective treatment. Nevertheless, taking probiotics will be useful for almost all of us, and the likelihood of side effects from taking this kind of drugs is minimal.
«Probiotic or prebiotic»
Probiotics are living microorganisms, an important component of our microflora. But the bacteria in your gut need to feed, too! They need prebiotics. Include in your diet foods that are prebiotics that promote the growth of healthy bacteria: whole grain oatmeal, oatmeal, apples, onions, and walnuts.
JSC «Vector-BiAlgam» produces drugs with high efficiency and safety, using the professionalism of experienced microbiologists and a high-tech research and production base.
Our probiotics
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