«NariLac-Forte-B» suppresses the growth of pathogenic flora, normalizes microflora and intestinal motility, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, increases the general immunity and body's resistance to seasonal diseases.

«NariLac-Forte-B» — is a pro- and prebiotic containing a complex of active lacto- and bifidobacteria, intended for the prevention of dysbiosis in adults and children.
The bioproduct contains the most effective strains of bifidobacteria species B. bifidum, B. longum and lactobacilli L. acidophilus, vitamins of group B, C and PP, amino acids, volatile fatty acids and enzymes.
1 ml of bioproduct contains at least 10⁸ CFU/g of lactobacilli and at least 10⁸ bifidobacteria.
Bioproduct «NariLac-Forte-B» is produced with a fat content of 0.5%, which provides a low calorie content along with a high biological value. Contains no preservatives, colorants or stabilizers.
Specially for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, JSC «Vector-BiAlgam» produces the biological product «Floristin», which is similar in composition and properties to «NariLak Forte-V».
Reception scheme
Take 2 times a day. Duration of admission: 14 - 21 days.
- Children 1-7 years old: 1-2 teaspoons.
- Children 7-12 years old: 2 dessert spoons.
- Children over 12 years old and adults: 2 tablespoons.
The effect of using «NariLak-Forte-V»
«NariLak-Forte-V» is used to prevent the following problems:
- Acute intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis);
- Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroduodenitis, colitis);
- Urinary tract infections;
- Pregnancy, complicated childbirth;
- Recovery after radiation, chemotherapy and antibiotic therapy;
- Hypovitaminosis, insufficient digestion;
- Reduced immunity, frequent colds;
- A sharp change in diet, the risk of eating poor-quality food;
- Unfavorable ecological situation.
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