Dairy products
«Bifidom» — our probiotic bifidus and lacto-containing products for daily use. They are suitable for therapeutic, prophylactic and dietary nutrition for children and adults.

The beneficial properties of fermented milk products are the normalization of microflora, an increase in the protective functions of the body, and an improvement in metabolism.
We create starter cultures for our fermented milk products ourselves, based on a specially selected collection of microorganism strains. These strains are first purchased at the VNIMI Institute (Moscow), and then adapted to the production of a specific product.
The «Vector-BiAlgam» company uses a thermophilic fermentation method. Unlike the tank method used in large factories, it allows you to preserve the original structure, consistency, taste and, therefore, the naturalness of the product.
Starter cultures of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are introduced in liquid form, which allows beneficial bacteria to be in a physiologically active state by the time the product is ready. This enhances bioavailability and preserves bacteriological diversity.
The biomass of probiotic bacteria does not cause allergies. There are no foreign tastes and odors in the finished products.
Fermented milk products of the «Bifidom» series are made on the basis of natural raw materials without the use of thickeners, stabilizers, dyes and preservatives.
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