Structure-forming starters

Starter cultures are produced in dry form and are used for the production of traditional fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, varenets, yogurt, sour cream, etc.).

Specially selected cultures of lactic acid bacteria make it possible to obtain a high quality fermented product with long shelf life without the use of stabilizing systems.

Specially selected strains that hold whey well, form an even, dense clot in the product. The strains are resistant to seasonal changes in milk quality.

Types of structure-forming starters

Purpose of the starter culture
Microflora composition
Sourdough designation
For varenets, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt
Streptococcus thermophilus
For sour cream, cottage cheese
For the fermented milk product bifacil, etc.
L.acidophilus+ St.Thermophilus
For fermented milk products bifatonic, bifiton, tonus, etc.
Lactococcus+Lactobacillus+ Propionibacterium
For fermented milk products, yoghurt, matsun, koumiss, southern curdled milk, etc
L.bulgaricus+St. Thermophilus
For fermented milk products - acidophilus, acidophilic sour milk
L.acidophilus+ Lactococcus

The content of starter cultures is at least 1010 CFU/g.

Mass fraction of moisture - no more than 3.5%.

Release form - plastic bottles for 0.25 t, 0.5 t, 1 t, 2 t and 5 t of the finished product.

Shelf life - 1 year at a temperature of (4 ± 2) ºС.

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